Long-Stemmed Lavender Bouquet


Each bouquet has approximately 150 stems and ranges from 20-22” (about 50 cm) in length. Bouquets are carefully wrapped to protect the buds during shipping but some release is to be expected. Did you know that your bouquet can last for years? Just keep it away from direct sunlight and it should look and smell delightful for a long time.

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Each bouquet has approximately 150 stems and ranges from 20-22” (about 50 cm) in length. Bouquets are carefully wrapped to protect the buds during shipping but some release is to be expected. Did you know that your bouquet can last for years? Just keep it away from direct sunlight and it should look and smell delightful for a long time.

Each bouquet has approximately 150 stems and ranges from 20-22” (about 50 cm) in length. Bouquets are carefully wrapped to protect the buds during shipping but some release is to be expected. Did you know that your bouquet can last for years? Just keep it away from direct sunlight and it should look and smell delightful for a long time.